• square size 4 cookie jars - website thatlastslice-07

Pure Butter Earl Grey Shortbread

Regular price
RM 39.00
Sale price
RM 39.00
Regular price
RM 0.00
Delivery within Klang Valley | THAT LAST SLICE
Delivery within Klang Valley
Secure payments | THAT LAST SLICE
Secure payments
Wordings customisation available | THAT LAST SLICE
Wordings customisation available

This year we are introducing our newest flavour, inspired by traditional Scottish shortbread. Our Pure Butter Earl Grey Cereal Shortbread, made with French AOP butter, aromatic Earl Grey tea, and crunchy cereal, brings a delicious twist to your festivities.

 #EarlGreyDelight #PureButterPerfection #purebuttershortbread #allbuttershortbread

approximately 250g • 28-32 pieces